Everything Java Apache Geospatial Open Source. Hello Shinning Stars!!! Vincent Massol, Raphael Luta, Santiago Gala, Carsten Z.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

==== Build the Example ====

cd j2eetutorial14/examples/jaxrpc/helloservice

Ant reports that the BUILD FAILED but if the compile-service task passed we will be ok

==== Create a Web Application ====

Use the web application created in HowToAxisGeronimo but name the directory MyHelloService.
cp -R build/helloservice MyHelloService/WEB-INF/classes/

==== Create the geronimo-jetty.xml ====


==== Create the WAR File ====

cd MyHelloService
jar -cf ../MyHelloService.war *

==== Deploy the WAR File ====

cd incubator-geronimo/target
java -jar bin/deployer.jar --install --module MyHelloService.war

==== Start the Server ====

java -jar bin/server.jar your/domain/name/j2eetutorialhelloservice

==== Test the Web Application ====

http://localhost:8080/hello-jaxrpc gives you some links to check out.

==== Create the file MyHelloService/WEB-INF/deploy.wsdd ====

==== Deploy the Web Service ====

Executing the Axis client as shown here.

cd MyHelloService/WEB-INF
java -cp $AXISCLASSPATH org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient -l local://localhost:8080/hello-jaxrpc/servlet/AdminServlet deploy.wsdd
Processing file deploy.wsdd
Done processing

==== Repackage the WAR File ====

The WEB-INF directory now includes the file server-config.xml which requires redeployment.

cd ..
jar -cf ../MyHelloService.war *

==== Stop the Server ====


==== Redeploy the WAR File ====

cd incubator-geronimo/target
java -jar bin/deployer.jar --install --module MyHelloService.war

==== Restart the Server ====

java -jar bin/server.jar your/domain/name/j2eetutorialhelloservice

==== Test the Web Service Endpoint ====

http://gisig.com:8080/hello-jaxrpc/servlet/AxisServlet should now show the hello web service.
http://localhost:8080/hello-jaxrpc/services/hello?WSDL shows you the WSDL for the hello service.

==== Use the Tutorial Clients ====

The J2EE Tutorial comes with a number of clients that use this web service.

==== Use Axis WSDL2Java to Generate a Client ===

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