Everything Java Apache Geospatial Open Source. Hello Shinning Stars!!! Vincent Massol, Raphael Luta, Santiago Gala, Carsten Z.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Please read QuickstartForTheImpatient before before proceeding.

To simplify this document $JS2_PAGES will represent the directory path src/webapp/WEB-INF/pages of the Jetspeed 2 source code.

= Jetspeed Portlet Layout =

The Jetspeed portlet layout is defined by a number of mechanisms. The $JS2_PAGES file structure has an effect on the layout. Here are some modifications you can do without breaking the build.

== Change the Default Page ==
Modify the column and row indexes for some or all of the portlets on the welcome page($JS2_PAGES/default-page.psml).

== Add Additional Links ==
Create a file called myLink.link in the directory $JS2_PAGES. Refer to or copy one of the other .link files for the proper syntax.

== Create a New Tab ==
Tabs can be created by simply creating a psml file in the $JS2_PAGES directory. Copy $JS2_PAGES/default-page.psml to $JS2_PAGES/my-page.psml. Note that the security-constraint tag in psml defines the roles authorized to view this page.

== Modify the Menu ==
The left menu is defined in the folder.metadata file of each directory of the $JS2_PAGES directory.

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