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Sunday, August 13, 2006

I am doing some simple :) xml editing so I thought I would explore eclipse 1.2 xml support. So here we go with the Compound XML Document Toolkit http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/cxde

I'm using windows at the moment so I'm getting the all in one starter kit from the Web Tools project http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/ which depends on GEF and EMF.

Big download...

The installation of the Compound XML Document Toolkit was not successful but after an hour or two of using Web Tools xml editor I am satisfied to say that it provides good xml, xsl, dtd, and xml schema support. On the other hand my first wish would be to have a means of displaying the xpath a specific target location to any other place in the document. Visually determining an xpath such as the following is rather cumbersome,


Thanks for reading...Keep coming back for more on UML editing.

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